Thursday, August 13, 2009

Now is the time to act on renewable energy

I am sick and tired of listening to most of our elected representatives haggle about the future of the planet as though it were a cheap souvenir.

If the Rudd government decoupled the emissions trading scheme from the renewable energy target legislation we may have been in a position today where as a nation we actually did something about climate change.

The failure of the CPRS legislation today provides that opportunity now. The Rudd government should swallow its pride and immediately bring forward the Renewable Energy target bill. Most Australians know Climate change is real and they are already taking action themselves to be more energy efficient and reduce their energy consumption.

Individual action is not going to be enough, governments must make policy and enact legislation to show leadership and ensure we act on Climate change. Things that can be implemented immediately include:
  • implementing the Greens Energy Efficiency Access and savings initiative to upgrade Australia's homes for energy efficiency and strengthening energy efficiency measures and requirements for commercial and industrial buildings
  • moving funding from roads to public transport and cycling
  • encouraging renewable energy production
GetUp is launching ReEnergise Austalia and the Greens have written to Rudd pressing for action, read the letter.
Write a letter, join a campaign, do something...